Structure Function of the Atrial Myocardium

Optical imaging systems to enable structure-function analysis of the atrium

Our research goal is to develop platform optical imaging systems to enable structure-function analysis of biological organ systems.  Specifically, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) will be used to correlate tissue microstructure to electrical conduction of the atria. With this new knowledge, more efficient algorithms can be developed for monitoring and guidance of cardiac arrhythmia therapy. To achieve this we will 1) map and characterize the fiber orientation and tissue composition of the human left and right atria, 2) measure radiofrequency ablation lesion depth, and 3) test the hypothesis that monitoring ablation therapy with combined functional electrical analysis and optical spectral changes will result in more efficacious lesions. 

Specific Projects include:

OCT Informed Electrophysiology Models of the Atria supported by the Feldstein Medical Foundation 

 Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Monitoring and Guidance of Ablation Therapy supported by Dr. Hendon's NSF CAREER Award


Our Projects have been supported by funding from: